Thursday, March 8, 2007

Shepherd's Conference Day 2

Well, today has been a different day. Ligon Duncan preached excellently on Numbers 5:11-31 with a wonderful model of how to preach a very hard passage from the Old Testament law and apply it (not to the millennium) but very helpfully devotionally to the Christian.
He ended with a wonderful meditation on the way in which we can be made clean because the one who alone was clean, the one who touched the unclean and made them clean, the one who touched teh dead and was not contaminated, but raised them, that this one deliberately drinks to the dregs the curses that should have been ours.
How remarkable that Jesus would deliberately and willingly drink curses upon himself, the cup of the wrath of God that was against me so that I might be made clean and boldly enter the presence of the Holy God.

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