Friday, September 21, 2007

Tell me more

A return to my ongoing but sadly occasional project of evaluating evangelistic and apologetic websites...
Next up is Roger Carswell's "Tell me More"

"Tell me More" is a series of short articles (about the right length for publication on a website) interacting with (particularly British) culture.

The thing I love about the site most is that the gospel is clearly shared in every article. Carswell knows that someone might just read one of his articles, or get sent it by a friend after a "religious" conversation.

So, if you have a conversation with a friend who seems to be getting all their ideas about religion from the BBC (or PBS in the USA) there is a great short article you could send them entitled "Don't get your religion from the BBC"
Here's a quote from that article, showing his transition between his exposition of the BBC's portrayal of religion to take the reader to the gospel...
The BBC portray religion as humankind’s long search for God. As humans, we were created to know God, but our wrongdoing, our sins, have cut us off from Him.
There is an incompleteness, an emptiness within us all. Spiritually we are dead, yet we know there is something wrong.
The truth is that whilst sometimes we would like to know God, we also run away from Him, and do our own thing. Instead of us searching for God, He has taken the initiative and come searching for us.
That is what the first Christmas was all about. God the Creator became like us whom He had created. He became a man and dwelt among us. It is as if He became our neighbour. Jesus said, “I have come to seek and to save those who are lost.”
He then goes on to present a fuller explanation of the gospel. This is typical of the site.

Other brief articles undermine the presumption that political correctness is always a good thing, make use of the fact that we are all sick of spin.

The articles are not particularly sophisticated or high-brow, but are a great resource to use off the back of even the most casual conversation that you've had about religion.
Also on the site there are some more fully developed explanations of the gospel.
Good on Carswell to have a site that is so simple and so gospel-focused. I look forward to seeing if he will post more articles that will be useful for other conversations that people have had about the gospel, as the site is as yet fairly small.

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