Session 1: What is expository preaching
- Introduction to the Class
- What is the format of the class?
- Reading a sermon from a well-known preacher
- Seminar
- Workshop
- Why have the class?
- What is preaching?
- Why is preaching so important?
- What’s missing from much preaching?
"An expositional sermon is a sermon in which the point of the Scriptural text is the point of the sermon applied to the life of the church today."
3. What expositional Preaching includes
Session 2: Why Expository Preaching?
Intro: The alternatives seem so appealing!
3. What expositional Preaching includes
- The Bible
- Books of the Bible
- The Whole Bible
- Testaments and Genres.
- Scope.
- The Bible’s Storyline
- The Gospel
- God
- Man
- Christ
- Response
- Seeing the Gospel through the lens of the text and the text through the lens of the gospel
- Systematic Theology
- Worldviews
- Evangelism
- The Preparation of the Saints
Session 2: Why Expository Preaching?
Intro: The alternatives seem so appealing!
- There are basic truths that need teaching
- Better to have Doctrinal sermons?
- May seem to “teach the whole counsel of God” more quickly and thoroughly
- There are obvious issues that need addressing
- Better to have Topical sermons?
- May seem more obviously relevant to people
- May seem to deal with issues in the church quicker
- The difference between food and medicine
- Expository preaching tends towards a balanced diet; doctrinal / topical preaching may have quicker effects, and is therefore sometimes useful, but provide a bad overall diet.
Five reasons to make expository preaching the main diet of a congregation.
A. Expository preaching preaches the whole bible- 2 Tim 3:16-17
- Acts 20:17-31
- Preachers are ignorant, God is omniscient
- Preachers are foolish, God is wise
- Preachers are sinful, God is perfect
- Preachers are under authority, the bible carries God’s authority
- Acts 17:10-12
- We read the bible
- To understand it
- To have it ask us questions as much as we ask it questions Job 38:1-3
- the testimony of church history
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